Monday, March 5, 2007

Muhammad Haque commentary on the UK constitition

Monday, March 5, 2007
Diana's death - Stop Butler-Sloss discrediting what remains of the credibility of a fair and unbiased inquest system

As I said last week - when the media was ecstatic with excitement at least about their prospect of getting a bit more profit by overselling the then latest court ruling about the long delayed and overdue inquest into the deaths fo Diana Spencer and Dodi al Fayed in August 1997 – the fact that Elizabeth Butler-Sloss was retained as the ‘judge’ [or ‘coroner’] meant that M Al Fayed would be disappointed in the end. And the confirmation has come sooner than I said last week.

Today’s statements by Elizabeth Butler-Sloss show which way her orientation is geared.

She is defying the peole’s right to know and is still trying to deny the public the full and the reasonable and fair access to the truth. She is still suffering from the overly maintained servitude to what she has repeatedly referred to as the demands upon the constitutional created, as Butler-Sloss has been prone to insist on saying, the alleged preferences and the more allegedly rights to secrecy attaching to Royal Princes

Here is one of the early reports on what she has said. It contains enough evidence of the bias that is personified in Elizabeth Butler-Sloss.

[To be continued]

Posted by AADHIKARonline London UK at 7:50 AM 0 comments

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Diana's death - Stop Butler-Sloss dioscrediting what remains of the credibility of a fair and unbiased inquest system

As I said last week - when the media was ecstatic with excitement at least about their prospect of getting a bit more profit by overselling the then latest court ruling about the long delayed and overdue inquest into the deaths fo Diana Spencer and Dodi al Fayed in August 1997 – the fact that Elizabeth Butler-Sloss was retained as the ‘judge’ [or ‘coroner’] meant that M Al Fayed would be disappointed in the end. And the confirmation has come sooner than I said last week.

Today’s statements by Elizabeth Butler-Sloss show which way her orientation is geared.

She is defying the peole’s right to know and is still trying to deny the public the full and the reasonable and fair access to the truth. She is still suffering from the overly maintained servitude to what she has repeatedly referred to as the demands upon the constitutional created, as Butler-Sloss has been prone to insist on saying, the alleged preferences and the more allegedly rights to secrecy attaching to Royal Princes

Here is one of the early reports on what she has said. It contains enough evidence of the bias that is personified in Elizabeth Butler-Sloss.

[To be continued]